Professional Learning Symposiums for Teachers

To support the implementation of the FAIR Education Act within California K-12 schools, the One Institute has partnered with UCLA Center X and the Los Angeles LGBT Center to host Professional Learning Symposiums at ONE Archives at the USC Libraries for cohorts of K-12 teachers from the greater Los Angeles area.

Through these symposiums, the teachers have an opportunity to conduct research and work directly with archivists and the One Institute’s staff to access rare historical materials and other resources created by the One Institute. Utilizing their research, the teachers are required to develop comprehensive LGBTQ history lesson plans (especially for 11th grade U.S. History) and LGBTQ inclusive programming for their students. The PDs also include lectures on 20th century LGBTQ history in the United States, model lessons, and sensitivity trainings.

To download the LGBTQ History Lesson Plans created at our Professional Learning Symposiums, please click here.


This institute is a partnership between the One Institute and the UCLA History-Geography Project. June 2019 marks the 50th Anniversary of the Stonewall Riots. This weeklong program will explore the LGBTQ activism that preceded and followed the Stonewall Riots through readings, presentations by historians, model lessons, and a hands-on exploration of ONE Archives at the USC Libraries. Participating teachers will work to develop lesson plans centered around the collections at ONE Archives. Teachers will be compensated with a stipend upon completion of a lesson.

Priority will be given to 11th, 12th, and Ethnic Studies teachers (space is limited to 15 teachers).