April 30, 2020 – SESSION 1 – #SpreadCalm: Grounding
Thursday April 30
8am – 8:15 am (PDT)
11am – 11:15am (EST)
Your donation of the zine supports the One Institute and the WWHIVDD collective.

What Does a COVID-19 Doula Do? How do we spread calm?
Rituals can provide a foundation for peace and daily survival. Join us for this morning session where a grounding, and tips for healing and health from the WHAT DOES A COVID-19 DOULA DO? zine will be shared by contributors, Umi Hsu, Director of Content Strategy at the One Institute, and Katherine Cheairs, co-curator of Metanoia: Transformation through AIDS Archives and Activism.
This is part 1 of 4 virtual activities to celebrate the making of the WHAT DOES A COVID-19 DOULA DO? zine and its community. Join other virtual activities.
Update: Join us on Instagram Live on Thursday April 30, 8am PDT / 11am EST.
Image credits: Zine excerpt from page 69, #Spreadcalm, by @WFUMIHSU.